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BLS Medical Care

The PVFD does not just respond to fires, nearly 60% of our call volume is medical
related. The PVFD is licensed by the Texas Department of Health and provides a non-
transport BLS first response medical service to our community. When 911 is called such
as for a medical emergency, Paris 911 telecommunicators will page the PVFD along
with a ALS MICU Ambulance from Paris EMS. This happens simultaneously and allows
for a more structured response.


Powderly Vol. Fire Department                                                     FOR EMERGENCIES PLEASE CALL 
100 CR 44112 Powderly TX 75473                                                                         911!!!

Mailing: PO BOX 188 Powderly TX 75473

Non-Emergency Phone: 903-732-4488

LCSO Dispatch-903-737-2400


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